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How to Create and Sell Profitable Online Courses in 2024

How to Create and Sell Profitable Online Courses in 2024

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Have you been drawn to creating courses online and earning tons and tons of money? have you ever thought, Why Do People Buy Courses? In this article, we will reveal all of the secrets.

Courses are often more valuable than free stuff. One reason for this is that they are often more informative and arranged in a more user-friendly manner.

If you’ve noticed plenty of “masters” pushing their online courses on social media, it’s because selling online courses can be a profitable business.

If you’re serious about creating a new course for yourself or someone else, take this online digital marketing course to learn how to build your own online course with little work in a short period and start earning money online.

This article will go through how we went about creating and selling an online course in 2022.

Steps To Create an Online Course

  • Choose Your Topic

While you don’t have to be an expert in a certain field to build a course, it certainly helps. So, consider all of the things you’re good at and, ideally, have had some success with in the past. Suppose your chosen topic is competitive, such as making money online. In that case, we recommend narrowing your focus, as we did with rank and rent SEO, a highly particular strategy for making money online.

  • Create a Webinar/Course Intro

If you have no idea how to create a webinar, try the following techniques.

  • Get An Idea by Signing Up For Your Competitor’s Webinars

When marketing content, this is a frequent technique and doing it properly is crucial to turning many views into sales. If you want to learn how to design an effective webinar, simply sign up for some other marketers’ webinars and see how they do it. The majority of webinars we’ve seen consist of someone giving a ppt on a topic of interest for roughly an hour.

  • Now Create Webinar with The Most Valuable Points 

Ensure you’re offering value and showing students how to execute the job you’re teaching in the course during the webinar. You should also explain why they should be interested in learning what you’re teaching and why you’re equipped to do so. 

  • Share Email Opt-In to Join Webinar

If at all feasible, ask them to email opt-in to join your webinar so that you may add them to a drip-feed sequence. We didn’t require users to opt-in before joining the webinar in our situation since it allowed us to rank the webinar for “rank and rent” on YouTube. However, since we previously released part one of the course without an opt-in (as discussed below), requiring an email opt-in for the webinar may have been a smart idea.

  • Create a Course Outline Along with a Landing Page

Create a course outline that shows the Buyer that the course will be 10+videos long with these many hours, and specify what you would cover in each episode. This gave consumers a solid understanding of what they were getting into before buying the course.

Always have simple, straight to point content on the landing page and a clear call to action button.

  • Create A Course Teaser

It’s important to remember that most individuals don’t purchase a course the first time they see one. I made one webinar and a video that served as a preview for the first section of the system if you aren’t marketing as much in this video as you are in the webinar. 

Instead, you naturally chat about the subject, offering as much value to the students as possible.

  • Drive Traffic to the Webinar and Teaser

Now that you’ve set them up, it’s time to guide students to your course videos.

Using the tactics listed below, you may drive visitors to the webinar and teaser:

  1. Rank for keywords related to your niche on Google and YouTube. You were able to accomplish this with great success, and it aided in promoting the course.
  2. It’s good to share it with Facebook groups and email lists. If you haven’t already done so with your group, you may ask influencers if you could post about it in theirs, or better yet, have them post about it.
  3. To increase traffic, use sponsored advertising on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Make sure you’re keeping track of your course’s cost per conversion. It’s not awful to obtain at least a 2% conversion rate on a high-ticket course for $200.
  4. Put a link to the video on your website from previous content. If your website is currently receiving traffic, we urge that you should not let it go to waste. Make people aware that you have a free video that can assist them in learning how to accomplish something.
  • Share with Followers & Subscribers to Sell Your Course

We recommend generating free content around the topic before starting your course to establish a following and authority. 

To make yourself visible for some time, you can always publish courses on a Facebook group or use Google Ads to get to know the people.

You may also form a Facebook Group and an email list for the topic, which will help you build a community of people to whom you can promote the course after it’s completed.

  • Publish on A Teaching Platform or Publish Yourself

It’s time to develop the course, assuming you sold enough of it during the presale period. Before you begin, you must first decide the medium you will utilise for the course. 

You can build a Facebook group, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn for course participants to join to see the course in progress and ask questions. 

Also, technically, you can upload the course to Teachable when it is finished, which allows us to put it behind a paywall quickly. 

In addition, the webinar that we used to market the course is now available as a promotional film.

  • Connect to the payment gateway

Once you’ve created your own content, don’t forget to connect it to a payment gateway like Razorpay, PayPal, Stripe, or Cash-Free.

Choose one of the payment gateways that best suits your needs.

If you’re utilising a course site like Teachable, Udemy, or Coursera, make sure you fill out the bank statement appropriately to get paid.

  • Continually Promote

You may sell the course again and over again after it’s completed. We recommend employing the previous strategies, focusing on driving organic traffic and establishing authority in your field by ranking for subjects related to the keyword you’re targeting and leading them to the course webinar.

Bonus Tips :

  • Partner Up with An Influencer/Industry Expert

Joining hands with the influencers ensures that your course sells and gives you useful advice from someone who has previously designed and marketed informative systems. 

It can be worth giving up a share of your course revenue to collaborate with someone who has spent a lot of effort creating authority and trust in a certain field, such as SEO. 

  • Make Sure That There Is Demand for Your Course Before Creating It

While polling an audience might be challenging, especially if you don’t have any group, it is a crucial step to do since you can avoid spending time creating a course that no one wants.

You can also create a special presale pricing for the course and advertise it throughout our webinar. 

We believed it would be beneficial to produce the course if you exceeded a certain number of sales. If you don’t sell enough, you may simply refund those who have purchased them.

Bonus:  SEO Reporting Software Tools

Benefits of SEO


Although courses can be successful, due to the time it takes to produce and advertise them, we choose not to utilise them as a primary source of revenue. They are, however, a terrific source of additional cash and a viable revenue stream.

The secret to making money from selling the course is consistent and patient.

If you’re still unsure about how to offer your course online and make money, give our digital marketing agency a call; our team of experts would be happy to assist you.


Meet The Author:

Sujith Nair
Sujith Nair

From Mumbai's heart, meet Sujith, driven by his love for SEO. He cleverly uses SEO to help the client's websites reach more people and open doors to more business opportunities.

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