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8 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Digital Diet

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Did you know the average American spends over 11 hours per day looking at digital media? Our increasing reliance on technology provides endless entertainment and information at our fingertips. However, many experts argue that excessive screen time can negatively impact our health, relationships, and quality of life.

Just as nutritionists advise eating a balanced diet in the physical world, your digital diet also requires balance, boundaries, and moderation. A “digital diet” simply refers to being more intentional about when and how you consume media online. Rather than mindlessly scrolling through apps for hours, you can take back control and cultivate healthier digital habits.

In this blog, we’ll explore 6 practical tips to help you maintain a nutritious digital diet. By being more mindful of your technology use, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and bring more meaning to your offline life. A healthy digital diet will look different for everyone, but the strategies below offer a template to get started. Let’s dive in!

1. Define What a Digital Diet Is

A digital diet refers to being mindful of your consumption of digital media – how much time you spend online, staring at screens, and interacting with your digital devices. It involves being intentional about limiting recreational screen time in order to achieve a healthy balance between the online world and offline life.

Similar to an eating regimen for better health, a digital diet requires monitoring how much time you devote to digital activities like browsing social media, streaming shows, gaming, shopping online etc. The goal is moderation rather than complete abstinence. An effective digital diet allows you to engage in and enjoy technology, while also making time for real world relationships, hobbies, relaxation and self-care away from screens.

2. Be Mindful of Your Screen Time

Being mindful of how much time you spend staring at screens is an important part of maintaining a healthy digital diet. Many of us underestimate how much of our day is occupied by looking at our phones, computers, tablets, and TVs. It’s easy to mindlessly scroll through apps and lose track of time.

To combat this, take steps to actively track and limit your screen time:

  • Use built-in tools on your devices to monitor your daily screen time usage. Apple products have Screen Time and Android has Digital Wellbeing. Seeing hard numbers can help motivate you to reduce your usage.
  • Install app blockers or website blockers to set limits for how much time you want to spend on your devices each day or during certain periods. Apps like Freedom, StayFocusd, AppBlock, and Offtime can block apps or websites that tend to suck up your time.
  • Set a timer or alarm to go off when you’ve reached your allowed screen time for the day. This will remind you to switch off your devices and do something else.
  • Take periodic screen breaks where you completely step away from your digital devices for at least 5-10 minutes. This gives your eyes a rest and interrupts your screen trance.

Being more intentional about your screen time is key for maintaining a healthy digital lifestyle. Track your usage, set limits, and schedule screen-free breaks in your day. Your mind and body will thank you!

3. Designate “Tech-Free” Zones/Times

Setting boundaries around technology is crucial for a healthy digital diet. Consider designating tech-free zones in your home like the bedroom or dinner table. Banning technology from these spaces can have several benefits:

  • Improves sleep – Using screens before bed can negatively impact sleep quality and duration. Keeping devices out of the bedroom will remove the temptation to endlessly scroll, helping you power down and get better rest.
  • Increases focus – When eating a meal or spending quality time with loved ones, you’ll be less distracted without the ping of notifications. Removing tech allows you to be more present and engaged.
  • Strengthens connections – Meaningful conversations are easier when you’re not constantly checking your phone. Make the most of face-to-face interactions by going device-free.
  • Reduces stress – We need breaks from the endless stimulation of screens. Tech-free zones provide this mental relief and allow you to be more relaxed.

Start by designating 1-2 tech-free zones and build from there. The positive effects on your wellbeing will quickly become apparent. Boundaries around tech are difficult to implement but essential for a balanced digital diet.

4. Turn Off Notifications

Notifications are one of the biggest sources of distraction and interruption when it comes to maintaining a healthy digital diet. Whether it’s texts, emails, social media pings or news alerts, notifications keep us in a constant state of distraction by continuously pulling our focus. This prevents us from truly focusing on the task at hand or being present in the moment.

Turning off notifications can do wonders for improving focus and concentration. Here are some tips for managing notifications:

  • Disable app notifications you don’t need. Most apps allow you to turn off notifications in the settings. Disable ones from apps that don’t need your immediate attention.
  • Turn off email notifications on your computer and phone. Set specific times to check email instead of having them come through continuously.
  • Disable social media notifications. Social apps are designed to hook you through notifications. Visit them intentionally instead.
  • Put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode for set periods. This silences calls and texts so you can focus without interruption.
  • Turn off news alerts and consider disabling notifications from news apps. Set specific times to catch up on the news.
  • Disable desktop notifications from distracting websites. Browsers like Chrome allow you to block notifications from specific sites.

Taking control over notifications is an important step in maintaining a healthy digital diet. Intentionally turning off distractions helps you focus on the task at hand and be more present in your daily life. Give it a try and see how much your concentration improves.

5. Take Regular Digital Detoxes

Making a habit of regular digital detoxes can help reset your relationship with technology in a healthy way. Consider taking periodic tech-free vacations where you leave your devices behind and immerse yourself in nature, recreation, and real-world connections. Even smaller-scale digital detox days where you avoid screens for 24 hours can be refreshing.

On your detox days, try activities like:

  • Going for a long hike or walk in nature without your phone
  • Doing a yoga or meditation retreat
  • Reading an actual physical book or magazine
  • Cooking a nice meal and enjoying it tech-free
  • Playing board games or sports with friends or family
  • Visiting a museum or attraction and remaining present instead of recording everything
  • Taking an afternoon nap or bath without electronic interruptions

Giving yourself these periodic breaks from technology allows you to remain balanced and mindful in your digital habits. Build digital detoxes into your routine and notice how they help recharge your ability to engage in your digital diet in a sustainable way.

6. Be Intentional About Screen Time

While it’s unrealistic and unnecessary to completely eliminate screen time, it is important to be more intentional and active in how you use your devices. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching random videos, try to actively engage in activities that stimulate your mind.

Be sure to schedule blocks of time for higher quality screen activities like reading an ebook, taking an online course, or video chatting with friends and family. These types of active and focused digital activities tend to be more fulfilling than passive scrolling.

It also helps to set a purpose or goal for your device usage ahead of time. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish – learn a new skill? connect with loved ones? – and choose apps and sites that align with those goals. Avoid aimlessly browsing the internet without a purpose in mind.

Being more intentional and active with your screen time not only reduces mindless scrolling, but helps you extract more value and meaning from the time you do spend on your devices. The quality of screen time matters just as much, if not more, than the quantity.

7. Make Time for Offline Hobbies

It’s important to balance your digital activities with quality offline time. Consider taking up hobbies that don’t require technology and give your brain a break from constant stimulation. Activities like reading, cooking, baking, gardening, hiking, arts and crafts, playing an instrument, and more can be extremely rewarding. They engage different parts of your brain and provide a creative outlet.

Make reading a daily habit by setting aside time to read physical books instead of scrolling social media at night. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children read for pleasure an hour a day. This applies to adults too! Reading before bed helps you unwind, decompress, and prepare for sleep.

Learn new recipes, explore different cuisines, and practice your culinary skills. Cooking and baking are fun creative activities that result in delicious treats. Grow your own herbs and vegetables. Getting your hands dirty while gardening is grounding. The science is clear – being in nature is good for overall wellbeing.

Crafting hobbies like knitting, embroidery, jewelry making, pottery, and sculpting allow you to make handmade goods from start to finish. The process can be meditative. Arts and crafts provide a sense of fulfillment, boost self-esteem, and reduce stress and anxiety. Display your creations proudly or gift them to loved ones.

Pick up an instrument like the piano, guitar, drums, violin, harmonica, or ukulele. Making music exercises your brain in new ways, and achieving a flow state is gratifying. You can learn at your own pace using books, YouTube tutorials or an instructor. Host jam sessions with friends or join a community band.

The time you spend away from your devices doing the activities you love makes your limited screen time more intentional and positive. A healthy digital diet incorporates tech-free fun.

8. Socialize in Real Life

In today’s digital world, it can be all too easy to fall into the habit of only interacting with friends and loved ones online. However, research shows that in-person social connections are vital for our mental health and wellbeing. Spending quality time together without distractions can strengthen relationships and provide an emotional boost.

Schedule regular screen-free meetups to catch up face-to-face with the important people in your life. Plan activities you can do together offline, like having a potluck dinner, going for a hike, playing board games, or volunteering for a local cause. Dedicate your full attention to the present moment and each other during the get-together. Turn your devices off so you can be fully engaged.

Making in-person interactions a priority will allow you to nurture your closest relationships and build meaningful memories. Socializing offline also gives you a welcome break for your eyes and brain from constant digital stimulation. Protect your mental health by balancing virtual connections with quality time spent in the real world.


This concludes our tips for maintaining a healthy digital diet. To summarize, we covered:

  • Being mindful of your total screen time each day and setting limits
  • Designating tech-free zones or times to unplug
  • Turning off unnecessary notifications to reduce distractions
  • Taking regular digital detoxes or breaks from technology
  • Being intentional about screen time instead of mindless browsing
  • Making time for offline hobbies and activities
  • Socializing in-person instead of only online

The key is developing a balanced relationship with technology. While digital devices play a huge role in our lives, it’s important to not let them dominate our time and attention. By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of technology without letting it control you.

Start a digital diet today! Audit your current screen time and online habits. Begin instituting some of the boundaries and practices suggested here. You may be surprised by how much freedom you gain when you live more intentionally with technology. A healthy digital diet will nourish your mind and spirit.


Meet The Author:

Sujith Nair
Sujith Nair

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